UBuildABook | Print Yearbook

Create and Print Yearbook

UBuildABook is a great option to create and print yearbooks. We print yearbooks for all types of schools and organizations, including High School Yearbook, Middle School Yearbook, Elementary School Yearbook, Home School Yearbooks, College Yearbooks and Graduate School Yearbook. We have many features which will benefit your school greatly. Our print quality is extremely high and our turnaround time is very quick, just to mention a few.

UBuildABook provides software multiple options for creating and printing your Soft or Hard Cover Yearbook.

Yearbook Examples

Which Option Will You Choose?

Option 1

Yearbook Pro Online

Our powerful, easy to use online software is browser and does not require any downloads. It supports most devices that can run a browser, including iPads, Chromebooks and smartphones.
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Option 2

PLIC Books Yearbook Software

Our new alternative to Yearbook Pro Online supporting similar features.
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Option 3

FREE Book Design Pro Software

Single-users can easily create professionally designed, richly customized yearbooks.
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The UBuildAbook Advantage

Option 4

Your Own Software

 We can accept PDF files created with   any program you desire. We also   provide free QuickStart templates for   Desktop Publishing Solutions such as:




Print Yearbooks with UBuildAbook

UBuildABook is your go-to solution for printing yearbooks. We cater to schools and organizations, providing top-notch print quality and quick turnaround times. Discover the benefits of choosing UBuildABook for your yearbook printing needs.


High-Quality Yearbook Printing

Our print quality is second to none, ensuring your yearbooks are vibrant and durable. We offer a variety of customization options to suit your needs.


Flexible Submission Deadlines

Submit your final files as late as 3-4 weeks before the shipping date, allowing you to include all year-end events.


Exact Quantity Printing

Print only the number of yearbooks you need, avoiding unnecessary costs from leftover copies.


Competitive Pricing

We offer very competitive pricing without compromising on quality.  Click here for a Sample of our Prices.


Convenient Payment Options with EZ Pay Parent Storefront

Eliminate the hassle of collecting money.

Parents can pay us directly using Credit Card, PayPal, or Electronic Check.

Full accounting provided to schools of all monies collected.


Customizable Cover Options

Personalization available with names and pictures for both soft and hard covers.

Titles on spines for all hardcovers and soft covers over 90 pages.

Glossy or matte lamination available.


Reorders on Demand

Reprint as few as six yearbooks for up to two years after your original order.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

All work is 100% guaranteed. 


If you would like a yearbook sample, contact us today and request a sample.  Get Pricing