If you are an author, UBuildABook offers you a valuable resource - the ability to self publish your book. UBuildABook offers you the ability to print on demand which means that you can specify how many books you want to run at a time rather than having to order huge amounts of books which can be costly, especially if your books don't sell. With UBuildABook, you can test the market and only order your books when you are ready to. You can print ten books or a thousand books and we have a low minimum for reorders. With UBuildABook, you can create high quality books and sell them online or in bookstores. Printing your own book is a great option for writers as it puts you in charge of the entire procedure. Now you no longer need to deal with a middle man and you don't need to worry about large publishing houses who make you order more books than you are comfortable ordering. At UBuildABook, we can print your books faster than the standard book printing companies and you can order as many as you desire. Self Publishing is a great way you, the author, can control your royalties. The average author who goes through the usual channels of publishing, receives no more than 6-10% in royalties. However, the average self publishing author who sell more than 200 books will typically receive 30-100% royalties. The difference in profits is enormous! Even if you are not interested in selling your book, UBuildABook is still a great option when it comes to creating your book. We are very cost competitive and we allow you to be the sole designer of your book-you can create your book in any size (up to 12"x12") and you can print it in black and white or in full color. Whether you are creating books to sell or just to share with your friends and family, UBuildABook is a great way to go.
The UBuildABook Self Publish Advantage :
Yes, I really am Robert Blake, or what’s left of him. I’ve been gone from the real world for about 10 years. But, for some reason I kept on writing and wound up with a book with stories about people I have loved and people who loved me. I heard about UBuildABook, so I made the drive to their facility. What I found was a group of people who seem to be a genetic throw-back to when honor and ethics meant something. So, I had a whole gang of books made. And to my delight, it all worked out perfect!
Got the books today, they look fantastic! -Gregg Hamilton
You recently printed our book, "H.I.O. Handle It Once (The Clean Girls' Guide to Getting Organized)". We are delighted with how the book turned out: exactly as we'd pictured it! The color and print quality are beautiful and your work was reliable and prompt with great attention to detail and great customer service. It was clear from the start that customer satisfaction was paramount to you. We are proud to be selling our book on Amazon and on our own website. We look forward to working with you again and on offering this as an e-book in the very near future! Thank You, U-BuildABook for your excellent work!