If you are at the point in your life where you want to print a memoir book in order to share the story of your life with all family members and others, our books are a great way to organize all of this information. UBuildABook is also a great way to preserve your memories. Old photos tend to yellow and get more and more brittle as time goes on and memories seem to fade, so why not preserve your family memories in a book which can be passed down? There are so many options with your memoir book: you can create and design the layout in any program and we can create your book in any size. Your book can either have a hard or soft cover and you can order as few as one book or thousands! Your memoir book makes an excellent gift to give to your family and it is something they will cherish always. There is so much to include in your Memoir Book: of course you will want to include old photos of your family, but you should also include old letters and documents because they narrate the story of your family just like photographs do. And be sure not to forget your family tree. One of the best parts of creating your own memoir book is that it will act as a backup of all your priceless information. Protect your valuable memories by recreating them in the form of a high quality bound memoir book.
Yes, I really am Robert Blake, or what’s left of him. I’ve been gone from the real world for about 10 years. But, for some reason I kept on writing and wound up with a book with stories about people I have loved and people who loved me. I heard about UBuildABook, so I made the drive to their facility. What I found was a group of people who seem to be a genetic throw-back to when honor and ethics meant something. So, I had a whole gang of books made. And to my delight, it all worked out perfect!
The first order of the books arrived last Friday, and they look great! Thank you very much for an efficient turnaround on reissuing this title. Best wishes for a happy holiday, Jenny Lawrence
Your design staff took special attention to make sure our innovative inside-cover (a family tree) came out perfectly, and we're very grateful for the quality of everyone's work, and their total cooperation and friendliness.
I just wanted to tell you how much the memory book meant to our family. My mother-in-law had tears in her voice when she called tonight to thank us for the book. She said she read it through "twice" before she went to bed last night, even though it was very late, and once again this morning. Thank you so much for the wonderful paper, the careful production, and such a fast turn-around, to make it all possible!