Andrew Wiegert
I would like to say your whole team is amazing. I really appreciate them working with our close deadlines and multiple changes.
We are almost out of the first run we ordered, so we will need another update soon, as well as a portfolio book (same design) for our interior fabrication department to show to potential clients as well.
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-------- File Part Example --------
------ Blue Pages → Cover ------
-- Green Pages → Endsheet --
-- Orange Pages → Content --
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Robert Blake
Yes, I really am Robert Blake, or what’s left of him. I’ve been gone from the real world for about 10 years. But, for some reason I kept on writing and wound up with a book with stories about people I have loved and people who loved me.
I heard about UBuildABook, so I made the drive to their facility. What I found was a group of people who seem to be a genetic throw-back to when honor and ethics meant something. So, I had a whole gang of books made. And to my delight, it all worked out perfect!
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Don Lambert
I received five copies of the third book which you have printed for me, plus the additional two copies of the first which I ordered. I am delighted with the printing, and people tell me they are works of art. Thank you again. I am eagerly awaiting the five copies of 600 Bishop Road, Blacksburg, Virginia, June-July 2010.
Your work is worth waiting for.
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